Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Do you know what is in a filling?

Know your options on getting your cavities filled beforehand.  You never really know what you don't know is something that my granddad used to say.  It was a saying that was brought to mind probably too often.  It means that you need to understand that learning is constant.  Even the smartest of people know when to shut up and learn something because it is beyond them.  Well at least the wisest of them do.  So you need to work on understanding your own health issues as well so you can make the most informed decision even when that is only about your teeth. 

It’s never fun for anyone to hear the words “It looks like you’ve got a few cavities in here, so we’ll go ahead and fill those today.” It makes you begin to wonder where your dental routine went wrong or what you’ve been eating lately, and then you start fixating on the process of having your cavity filled.  The good thing that I can tell you is cavities being filled don’t hurt nearly as much as you think they do. Perhaps you have bad memories from when you were a kid, but it’s that fear or anxiety when you were young that’s likely making you think it’s worse than it really is.  But did you know you can choose from multiple types of fillings to go into your teeth once the cavity has been removed? Each has their own benefits, so check them out below to see what fits your needs best.  If you think you may have cavities, don’t hesitate to tell us! Read on to learn more about the different filling materials that you can choose from when getting your cavities taken care of.

Having a composite filling is what most people talk about and actually have.  This type of filling is probably the most common since it’s the color of your teeth (mostly). Since the majority of people prefer their teeth to still look like real teeth, they’ll opt for composite fillings as not to draw attention to where the cavity was filled. Usually, this is made of a multitude of materials, such as ceramic and plastic. All of this is pliable enough for us to use and mold into your teeth until it hardens. Once it does harden, it’s sturdy enough to not come out for a long time.

An Amalgam is a little different kind of filling and is not super common in the dental world.  Times have changed, but it is still not the worst option out there.  You’ve probably heard of this type of filling at some point. These are almost always the filling you’ll think of when you hear of cavity fillings simply because you remember the metallic color you’ve seen in other people’s teeth. While it’s not as common as it once was, it still remains as one of the best options since it’s tried and true. It holds up better and longer than composite, though it’s not as discreet. You’ll often find tin, silver, copper, and even zinc in amalgam fillings.

Who doesn't like the good old classic option of gold. Gold fillings cost a bit more than both of the above options, but it’s probably the best out of any simply because of its durability. It’ll last a lot longer than the others and need less maintenance, so that’s one of the reasons you may want it over the others. It is not just a status symbol but a really good option. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Save Money With Your Dental Routine

We all grew up in the United States with proper dental hygiene information.  All our schools and parents generally told us what we needed, and much of that was not based on the reality of why.  We were told to brush our teeth, but not told of the costs that were involved from not doing it.  That is a huge mistake and our education system likes to live on lies and falisies especially when it comes to history and socialism and totalitarianism.  They are praised now in the United States even though they have killed more people than any other form of government.  From a young age, most Americans are told to brush their teeth when they wake up and before they go to bed.  It is something that is instilled in most children at a young age.  Many fights on a daily basis usually take place in most households because of this simple habit.  But many people do not realize how important brushing their teeth really is until it's too late.  The actual cost of not having a successful toothbrush habit can be far more expensive in later years of life.  When you are children and you have baby teeth, at least if the habits of brushing don’t happen or they eat way too many poor foods those teeth will fall out, and the damage caused won't really matter.  The true damage is not learning and having issues later in life. So be smart and stay educated.

No one tells you the actual financial burden of not having a healthy routine.  The cost of a simple cavity can be up to 2000 dollars to have fixed.  First, you have to see a dentist and get that appointment set up.  Then they will most likely have to do an Xray to see the full damage and then go and most likely make another appointment to fill it.  This is all going on while you are in extreme pain and the cost is simply more than just money at this point.  From there the damage to teeth can only get worse. This is a terrible thing and a bad way to live.

Don't fear the cost of a dental checkout.  The major issue if people do not brush their teeth goes way beyond the simple price tag the dentist has.  The scary part is that it can cost you your life.  Dental hygiene is meant to prevent lots of different diseases and if left unchecked this can be a major way to end up in an early grave.  Yes, that sounds extreme but gum disease is very real and when your gums are injured they leave ways for bacteria to seep into the bloodstream.  From here many issues can occur and most of them are much more serious and involve cardiovascular problems.  That is insane.

Don't let the little costs hurt the big picture.  The expense of those issues far outweighs the simple time it takes to brush your teeth on a daily basis. Using proper technique and high-end dental products can keep your true full-body health on track and save you much financial, emotional, and physical trouble. As soon as I read this information and found out the importance of dental hygiene, I began to take it more seriously.  Be wise and be safe and go see a dentist.  

Acid Reflux and Teeth

There are a few things in life that are just simply not fun.  They are things that happen to some and not to others, and this is the area of...